5 ways childhood trauma affects adult sex life

A traumatic childhood experience may have effects on your sexual health. Read on to know how childhood trauma affects adult sex life.

Be it emotional, physical or sexual abuse as a kid or growing up in a home with violence or insecurity due to parent’s divorce, traumatic childhood experiences may have lasting effects on your well-being. It is not just mental health that may be affected. You may also notice childhood trauma affecting your adult sex life. Let us tell you how childhood trauma and your sex life are connected.

What is childhood trauma?

Childhood trauma is a distressing experience during a person’s formative years that can have profound and lasting effects on an individual’s mental, emotional and physical well-being.

A couple in bed
Adult sex life can be impacted by childhood trauma. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

Traumatic events during childhood can manifest in various forms, including physical abuse, emotional neglect, sexual abuse, and exposure to domestic or community violence. These events can be national disasters or terrorism, bullying in schools, loss of a loved one in childhood days, parents suffering from mental issues. The impact of childhood trauma is significant, influencing various aspects of a person’s life, including their adult sex life, says neurologist Dr Sheetal Goyal.

What are the signs of repressed childhood trauma in adulthood?

Repressed childhood trauma may manifest in adulthood through various signs. These can include:

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  • Unexplained anxiety
  • Chronic depression
  • Difficulty forming and maintaining relationships
  • Self-destructive behaviours
  • Pervasive sense of shame or guilt.

Individuals may also experience physical symptoms such as:

  • headaches
  • digestive issues
  • chronic pain without a clear medical cause

What are the ways childhood trauma can affect a woman’s adult sex life?

Traumatic childhood experiences may be connected to sexual dysfunction in women later in their life, as per a 2023 study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine.

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Here are some ways childhood trauma affects your sex life:

1. Intimacy issues

Childhood trauma can contribute to difficulties forming intimate connections. This leads to challenges in trusting and opening up to a partner emotionally, says Dr Goyal.

2. Body image concerns

Childhood trauma may contribute to negative self-perception, impacting a woman’s body image and self-confidence. This can affect her comfort and enjoyment during sex.

3. Sexual dysfunction

Childhood trauma can be linked to sexual dysfunction, including difficulties with arousal, orgasm or pain during sex.

4. Boundary issues

Survivors of childhood trauma may struggle with setting and maintaining healthy boundaries. This can impact their ability to communicate desires and establish a sense of safety in intimate relationships.

5. Re-experiencing trauma

Flashbacks or intrusive memories related to past trauma may surface during intimate moments. This may cause distress and hinder the ability to fully engage in sexual activities, says the expert.

How can survivors of childhood trauma enjoy sex life?

Childhood trauma survivors can take steps to enjoy a fulfilling sex life. Here’s what can be done:

1. Therapy

Seeking the guidance of a mental health professional, such as a therapist specialising in trauma, can provide a safe space to explore and address the impact of childhood trauma on sexuality. Sex therapy has to be added in the treatment protocol. Sex therapy is based on a combination of knowledge about sexual physiology and sexual responses as well as methods for the modification of responses considering dynamic issues related to the individual’s history.

A couple having sex
A survivor of childhood trauma can go for sex therapy. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

2. Support groups

Joining support groups for survivors of childhood trauma allows individuals to connect with others who share similar experiences. This can foster a sense of understanding and validation.

3. Education and communication

Learning about the effects of trauma and developing effective communication skills can help survivors to navigate intimate relationships, fostering understanding and trust.

4. Relaxation techniques

Mindfulness and relaxation exercises can help survivors to manage anxiety and stress. These can promote a more positive and relaxed approach to sexuality.

5. Medication

In some cases, medications may be prescribed to address symptoms such as anxiety or depression. Other medications prescribed are antiseizure medications, glutaminergic modulators as and when required providing additional support alongside therapeutic interventions.

So, it is possible for survivors of childhood trauma to reclaim a positive and satisfying sexual experience.