Author: priyam

When I first got pregnant, I had an unexpected new challenge when it came to working out: keeping my newly voluptuous boobs in line. Not knowing how a sports bra should fit, my solution at the time was to buy the tightest-fitting sports bras I could find to eliminate any bouncing. I figured this would be the best way to continue running as fast as my growing belly would let me and keep doing burpees at Barry’s. Turns out, my strategy was all wrong. A Lululemon-funded study1 published earlier this year found that wearing a bra with a too-tight underband…

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If the thought of getting intimate with someone makes you want to hide, you might have a fear of sex. Here are some causes of erotophobia and tips to prevent it.Have you ever felt a shiver down your spine at the thought of getting intimate? Some people have a phobia of having sex or getting intimate. It is known as erotophobia or fear of sex. It is more than just disliking sex, it is more of a phobia causing serious anxiety and distress. This fear can stem from past experiences or anxieties about body image or performance. Erotophobia can also…

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If you’re looking for a killer core workout that challenges your balance and gets every abdominal muscle engaged, look no further than your exercise ball. One of the best ways to use it: stability ball knee tucks — also known as a jackknife. (And once you’ve nailed this one, here are other stability ball exercises to master.) Stability Ball Knee Tuck: Step-by-Step Instructions Get in a high-plank position with your hands directly underneath your shoulders and your shins on top of a stability ball. Brace your core to keep your body in a straight line from head to toes. This is…

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Radhika Merchant, set to wed Anant Ambani, is trained in Bharatanatyam, a classical Indian dance form with a host of health benefits!All eyes are on Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, the soon-to-be-married couple whose pre-wedding festivities have been underway since almost a year. Radhika Merchant’s dazzling smile has been the centre of attention, starting from the time she staged her first solo Bharatanatyam performance or arangetram in June 2022. The bride-to-be is a trained Bharatanatyam dancer, like her to-be mother-in-law Nita Ambani, who continues to perform the dance form even today. While this oldest dance form looks most elegant, do…

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Of the million ways to lose weight, dancing your way to fitness is one of the best! So, dance to the beat and try Zumba for weight loss!Out of the gazillion ways to lose weight, dancing is one of the most fun exercises! Have you ever tried Zumba for weight loss? It is an enjoyable way to include aerobic exercise in your fitness routine while helping you lose weight. Adding a bit of rhythm to your exercise and giving you a break from your mundane routine, Zumba may be the perfect way to melt those calories like you always wanted.…

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Lunges are one of the most effective strength training exercises that can help with weight loss, boost strength, and much more. Know 9 benefits of lunges. If you aim to have well-defined buttocks and strong legs, you just cannot afford to neglect lunges. You may think that running, sprinting, or climbing may help build up your leg muscles, but unfortunately, all these physical activities can only help you get leaner. For gaining muscle mass in your legs and strengthening your lower body, lunges are a great functional exercise that can help. It targets your glutes, thighs, quarts, and calves and…

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For years, Robin Long, founder and CEO of Lindywell, equated wellness with weight loss. She constantly noted how she looked in mirrors from different angles, tracked her measurements, and tried all of the trending diets and workouts. But after a lifetime of body-checking that wasn’t helping her feel healthier or happier, she wanted to break out of the cycle. And she wasn’t alone. In the United States alone, 69 to 84 percent of women report feeling dissatisfied with their bodies. In a world where women internalize the beauty standards set by mainstream media (read: be as skinny as possible) starting at…

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Each month, a new trainer takes us through four of the best workouts they have in their back pocket. Follow along weekly for new ways to sweat it out with us. See All Core exercises and kettlebells might not sound like they go hand in hand. The former usually consists of bodyweight moves on the floor, and later adds a bulky load. But actually, a core kettlebell workout makes perfect sense if you’re looking for a dynamic, fun, and effective way to work your abs, obliques, spinal stabilizer muscles, and back—which are all part of your core. Adding any sort of…

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This content originally appeared on Everyday Health. Republished with permission.By Ross Wollen Medically Reviewed by Anna L. Goldman, MD Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical that leaches into food from plastic packaging and metal cans, can significantly reduce insulin sensitivity according to experts. The chemical, which is pervasive in our food supply, may be a contributor to rising rates of type 2 diabetes. What Is BPA? BPA is an industrial chemical that is used extensively in the manufacturing of polycarbonate plastics, which are frequently used as food packaging, and the epoxy resins that line the interior of food cans. BPA is…

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Type 2 diabetes is a progressive disease, so you or your family member may have to change treatment. Have doubts about the new diabetes treatment? So, ask the right questions about the new diabetes treatment.Diabetes mellitus, also called diabetes, is a chronic disease. It occurs when a person’s pancreas fails to produce enough insulin or when the insulin is not effectively used. Insulin is important, as it regulates blood glucose. If you experience raised blood glucose or blood sugar, it can lead to serious damage to your nerves and blood vessels. There are three main types of diabetes, and type…

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There are various skin types, and knowing what you have can help you choose the right regime and products for healthy skin.The Cleansing-Moisturising-Toning routine is a given for a healthy skincare regime, but different skin types have different needs. Choosing the right products, depending on your skin type – dry, oily, sensitive or combination – can go a long way in keeping skin problems at bay. While some people have oily skin and require a water-based moisturiser, others with sensitive skin may need a product that helps them stay acne-free. So, the bottom-line is to know how to know your…

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When you talk to Erica Coviello, it’s hard not to get excited about running. The RRCA-certified running coach and personal trainer will tell you that running will help your aerobic endurance, improve your VO2 max, unleash the athlete you never knew you had inside you, and convince you to train for a half marathon. Then she’ll tell you about the benefits of running that go beyond cardio. “Weight management, improved lung function, muscular endurance, strengthened bones,” she rattles off and laughs. “Shall I continue?” It’s easy to think about it as a one-dimensional sport, but the physical and mental changes…

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