Author: priyam

  Are you being careful about your diet? Include these chillas recipes in your weight loss breakfast and see the difference! If people in the west eat sausage, beans and hash browns for breakfast or pancakes with fruits and chocolate sauce, Indians have chillas! The savoury desi pancake is rich in nutrients, making it a preferred breakfast option in many Indian homes. Eating chillas is a healthy way to begin your day. People who are trying to lose weight can also have chillas for a healthy breakfast. So, try out these chilla recipes for weight loss! How healthy is chilla?…

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A postpartum depression pill is now a reality thanks to the US Food and Drug Administration. Know all about the oral treatment and the need for PPD awareness. The transition from pregnancy to postpartum can be tough on mothers. It may be exciting to welcome a newborn and start life afresh, but it is not an emotional joyride for many women. From joy and excitement to fear and anxiety – it can cause a wide range of powerful emotions. The stigma around postpartum depression kept it brushed under the carpet for many years. But growing conversation about the struggle of…

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Ready for big meals this holiday season? Well, you might feel tired or sleepy after eating a lot. So, take steps to prevent food coma. We all know the feeling of eating too much and then feeling too sleepy, don’t we? It is what food coma is – the sluggish and lethargic feeling you get after enjoying a big meal. It can be common during the festive or holiday season, but adjusting your eating habits a little can help you prevent a food coma. What is a food coma? When we eat, especially a substantial amount of food, the digestive…

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Vaginal cuts and tears can be painful and cause you discomfort. So, let’s find out how to heal vaginal tears. Vaginal cuts and tears may be common when it comes to rough sex or during childbirth through vaginal delivery. These can lead to discomfort and pain during sex or even while urinating. Sometimes, there may be minor bleeding too. Your private parts are sensitive and prone to infection. Be mindful of how to heal vaginal cuts and tears. Vaginal tears are injuries or abrasions to vaginal mucosa and muscles, explains gynaecologist Dr Chetna Jain. Vaginal cuts are sharp incisions in…

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Are you thinking of trying cycling to stay fit? Make sure to follow these tips to prevent butt soreness while cycling. If you want to lose weight and enjoy your workout time, cycling can be the perfect exercise for you. The cardio exercise has many health benefits, but cycling can leave you feeling sore down there. Whether you are a beginner or a professional cyclist, you may feel pain and discomfort in the butt and genital area after cycling for a while. But fret not, you can avoid this! Here are some ways to help you prevent butt soreness while…

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Surviving the next day after a sleepless night, can seem to be a daunting task. Here are six ways to feel better the next day, and sleep better the following night. Surviving on no sleep is probably the toughest thing to do. Long working hours and deadly deadlines can often lead us to force ourselves to be awake during the night, leading to a sleepless night, and an exhausting day after that. How to survive on no sleep is a question that remains unanswered as we often don’t stop to imagine the amount of harm it can cause us. How…

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Drinking water is often touted as the sure-shot solution that will help you get rid of all your skin problems. But does it? Know the benefits of drinking water for skin. Do you drink a lot of water every day? Drinking water is a great way to keep yourself hydrated, your health vital in check and your skin looking beautiful. But is it the best solution to ward off all your skin problems? While there are many benefits of drinking water for your skin, it is vital to know that it alone won’t be able to help you. Having said…

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From strengthening immunity to keeping your body warm, ghee is a superfood you must add to your diet. Here are 7 ways to include ghee in your winter diet and reap all its benefits. Ghee is considered sacred and used in religious rituals as well as in the diet, especially in India. Revered in Ayurveda for its purity, it stands out as the best choice for cooking oil. This golden elixir, cherished for its health benefits and rich flavour, is one of the most beloved winter essentials. It is used in various dishes like Dal, Khichdi, and Saag. Known to…

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Sweet cravings are normal, and we all deserve some indulgence. But excess of everything is bad, and sugar is no exception. So, learn how to reduce sugar in your diet. “Please add more sugar to my tea, I like it sweet!” Who doesn’t love a sweet cup of warm chai or coffee with extra sugar? And what about those sweet treats after almost every meal? Sweet indulgences are okay once in a while, but to make a habit of excess consumption can be bad for your health. Sugar often plays a starring role in health problems such as diabetes and…

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Bronchitis is an infectious condition that can give you a bad cough and cold. If you’ve been infected by it, here are some expert-recommended home remedies for bronchitis. Bronchitis is one of the most common infections you can get during winter. When you have bronchitis, your bronchial tubes responsible for carrying air to your lungs get infected and swollen. This can lead to a bad cough, a buildup of mucus, and symptoms such as aches and chills. Since most bronchitis is caused by different types of viruses, the treatment may vary from one person to another. However, people have to…

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From mismatched desires to unrealistic expectations, here are some side effects of watching too much porn on your sex life. Be it as a guidebook to sex education or as a mere means of getting that dopamine rush and being sexually aroused, people have their own reasons for watching porn. While most of these reasons are absolutely harmless, watching excessive porn can be injurious to your sex life. In a 2018 study, published in Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, it was indicated that individuals who watched too much porn were dissatisfied with their sex life. Why do people watch…

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If fitness and fun are on your mind, check out the best jump ropes for weight loss! From calorie counters to smart app integration, go new-age with the good old skipping ropes. Losing weight can often feel like an uphill battle, with endless diets and workout routines that promise results but often leave us feeling frustrated. The struggle is real, and we get it. That’s why we’re here to introduce you to a game-changer in the fitness world: jump ropes for weight loss. Jumping rope is not just for kids on the playground. It’s a high-intensity, full-body workout that burns…

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