Author: priyam

Paranoia is a feeling of not trusting others and constantly feeling threatened, without adequate and justified reasoning behind it. We have all gone through thoughts of fear and panic when we are faced with adverse situations. And while many of these thoughts are justified and totally normal, sometimes there might not be enough foundation to understand why we are feeling a certain way. When these thoughts of panic and fear become threatening in nature, and even delusional, it is termed as paranoia. Most of us experience paranoia at one stage or the other in our lives. A study, published in…

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Your hair loss problems may reduce by including enough iodine in your diet. Read on to find out how to use iodine for hair growth. Iodine is not limited to the food world. It can also be a very effective treatment for hair growth. Turns out, iodine deficiency can be one of the causes of hair loss. So, this vital mineral helps to promote healthy hair growth. Since it is not produced by the body, you need to have foods rich in iodine. Let us tell you how to use iodine for hair growth. What are the benefits of iodine…

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Pistachio is one of the tastiest and most healthy nuts. Plus, it can be a good addition to any healthy diet. You can consume pistachios for diabetes to manage your blood sugar levels. Eating a healthy diet is crucial to prevent blood sugar spikes in individuals with diabetes. Sugary and high-carbohydrate foods should either be consumed in moderation or completely avoided. One food that you should include in a diabetes-friendly diet is pistachios. Incorporating pistachios has been associated with controlled blood sugar levels, offering a wholesome and satisfying snack for those with diabetes. Packed with healthy fats and fiber, pistachios contribute…

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Toilet seats are not always clean and so, you can end up with infections. Here are some of the infections you can get from a toilet seat. We try to avoid public restrooms as much as possible because they can be simply gross. The thought of germs on the toilet seat of restrooms in office, hotels or restaurants is probably the reason why many people spend as little time as possible there. And if toilets are not maintained properly, you might end up with an infection. You might catch bacterial or viral infections by just sitting on a toilet seat…

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Is the fat around your abdomen acting too stubborn? Try these simple yet effective wall exercises that can help you burn belly fat. As more people start living a sedentary lifestyle, weight gain and obesity are becoming an increasing problem for people. One of the most common areas of concern when it comes to weight is belly fat. While maintaining a midsection can make you look great, it will also help you live longer by staying healthy. Stubborn belly fat can be difficult to lose. If you’re trying to lose weight but the belly won’t budge, you can try some…

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Attachment issues are not limited to childhood. They can also be seen in adult relationships. Here are some signs of attachment issues. You can be attached to your parents, siblings, romantic partners, friends, or pets. An attachment is basically an emotional bond between individuals. Do you find it difficult to form healthy relationships? Is it too much for you to emotionally bond with someone? Sometimes, people experience difficulties in forming and maintaining healthy emotional attachments with people, regardless of age. If you’re not sure, you need to know the signs of attachment issues if you want to maintain a healthy…

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Had orange or papaya? Don’t discard the fruit peels. You can use the natural fruit peels for glowing skin for the upcoming festive season! Fruits such as orange and papaya are known as superfoods that we should eat to keep the doctor away. When eat most of the fruits, we keep the peels aside just to throw them in a bin. Well, before you throw away the fruit peels, remember that they are also full of nutrients that your skin will love. Some of them have vitamin C and moisturising agents that are all skin-friendly. Read on to find out…

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Are you looking for different ways to add spinach to your daily diet? Here are 5 most delicious spinach recipes that you can enjoy during the winter season. As the winter season sets in, incorporating spinach into your diet becomes more appealing than ever. Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, spinach not only adds vibrant flavour to your meals but also offers numerous health benefits. Rich in iron, fiber, and antioxidants, this leafy green vegetable can boost your immune system and support overall well-being. To make your winter meals both wholesome and tasty, consider trying out five spinach recipes that…

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Dengue cases have been increasing at a rapid rate in India. Ahead of the rise in dengue cases, Health Ministry has issued an advisory to control the surge. Dengue cases have been increasing at a rapid rate in several states in India. Most of these cases have been reported in West Bengal, Jharkhand and Maharashtra, where the health authorities have seen a rapid rise in the number of dengue cases. Not only has the significant rise in these cases concerned familial concerns, but it has also increased political tensions. The Union Health Minister Dr Mansukh Mandaviya held a high-level meeting…

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Newborn screening is usually done within seven days of childbirth to check for any diseases. It helps recognise problems such as congenital heart disease, hearing loss and more. Having a baby is a beautiful feeling for a parent, but you can’t deny that it comes with a lot of responsibilities. First and foremost in parenting is taking care of your child and ensuring that your baby is healthy. Enters newborn screening which is important for newborn babies. It refers to screening of newborns shortly after birth for disorders, some of which may be potentially fatal that are treatable but cannot…

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Ayurveda has a treasure trove of home remedies for health conditions. Check out some important herbs for vaginal health. Whether it is your sex life, pregnancy or overall health, you need a healthy vagina. You can eat well and follow vaginal hygiene rules, but you can do a little bit more. There are times when women end up having vaginal dryness or irritation down there. In such cases, just washing your private area with water won’t help. There are over-the-counter products, but you can also try some home remedies for vaginal problems. Read on to find out the best herbs…

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Ankle sprain can become a hindrance in your daily workout regime. Try these 6 best ankle braces to support your joints and prevent injury. Following a workout routine on a daily basis can help you lead a healthy life. But in the process of doing vigorous exercises, you may sometimes end up getting a painful ankle sprain. It is one of the most common injuries that can lead to prolonged discomfort. Ankle sprains occur when the ligament that supports your ankle joints is torn. If the injury is not treated properly, it can get converted into long-term health issues, affecting…

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