Author: priyam

Pepperfry CEO Ambaressh Murthy passed away recently due to cardiac arrest in Leh. Read on to know if the risk of getting a cardiac arrest increases when you are on an altitude. The death of Ambareesh Murthy, the 51-year-old Co-founder and CEO of Pepperfry, following a cardiac arrest, came as a shock to many as he was fairly young and fit. Not long ago, popular television actor Nitesh Pandey also succumbed to a cardiac arrest at 51. Over the past few years, cases of cardiac arrest have been increasing among middle-aged people, which has raised questions yet again. Why are…

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Taking a plunge in cold water is a ritual many professionals swear by. From reducing inflammation to promoting mental health, the benefits of ice bath are many. Read on to find out more! Well, you must have witnessed a professional athlete take a plunge into an ice bath post a game. Or, maybe you are a fitness freak who swears by ice baths as a means of post-workout recovery. Ice cold baths are a form of cryotherapy in which cold water is used as a treatment for various health concerns. Many celebrities are fans of cold water plunges, with athletes…

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How long should sex last is a question which has puzzled many. Research says that seven to fifteen minutes a good duration for sex.Popular culture has glorified the stigma around men coming too fast and too soon. Several movies in the recent past have poked fun at couples for whom sex lasts short and quick. But the question of how long should sex last is something that continues to remain a mystery. While a shorter sex session might not be that impactful or pleasurable, longer sex may actually come with added problems!To answer the question about how long should sex…

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Padahastasana or hand to foot pose can help you focus better and strengthen your abdominal muscles. Know key benefits of padahastasana. Surya Namaskar or sun salutation, which is a combination of 12 yoga poses, is widely known for its health benefits. Each pose has something to offer. One of them is Padahastasana or Hand to Foot Yoga Pose, which is an effective yoga asana practised to improve physical flexibility, stimulate the nervous system and more. Read on to know the benefits of Padahastasana. What is padahastasana? Padahastasana is a yoga asana that involves a forward bending posture. The name “Padahastasana”…

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Are you in a relationship because you are in love or just because you are afraid of being single? Know the signs that indicate you have a fear of being single. Every romantic relationship is different. Some couples may be madly in love with each other. Some people may be in a relationship, but not happy about it. But instead of breaking things off and moving ahead in life, they decide to continue their relationship. Has love got anything to do with it or is it because they have a fear of being single? You might keep telling yourself that…

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You don’t need to go for shaving or waxing to remove facial hair. Check out these home remedies to remove facial hair. Go natural! It’s not just men, women also have to deal with facial hair. Some women have thicker hair on face, which is why they go for shaving, plucking or waxing. If you are willing to spend a little bit more, you can try laser treatment too. But if you don’t like to go to salons or clinics frequently and believe in all things natural, you should try home remedies to get rid of facial hair. What causes…

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Did you know flax seeds are loaded with some of best ingredients that are beneficial for your bones? Here are the benefits of flax seeds for bones you must know. Your bones help you stand tall, walk proudly, and embrace the world with vigour. Yet, with the passage of time, your bones become weaker at the hands of relentless aging, an inevitable process. While age does play a role in weak bones, other factors such as lack of nutrition, also play a role here. While aging is a natural process you cannot control, what you eat is certainly in your…

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Many people with diabetes must have noticed blood sugar level rising during winter. Here are some effective ways to manage blood sugar level in winter. Right from skipping breakfast to being stressed to not sleeping enough, anything can make your blood sugar level go up. People with diabetes may even notice blood sugar spikes during colder months. If you have diabetes, keeping your blood sugar level in your target range is a must to avoid health problems. So, manage your blood sugar level in winter with these tips. Your blood sugar targets may be different, depending on factors like your…

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Instant relief from constipation is possible by taking the right suppositories and laxatives. Here is all that you can try Straining, passing hard stools and pooping less than three times a week are all symptoms of constipation. Constipation is a common problem that many people face, and it does not just affect physical health, but mental health too. So, people always find a need to look for ways to get instant relief from constipation. The causes of constipation range from dehydration to lifestyle choices and other medical conditions. However, it is safe to say that constipation can have serious mental…

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When you are with your partner, washing hands before sex is probably the last thing on mind. But hand-washing before sex is important.Hygiene should be an intrinsic part of everyday life, especially your sex life! Vaginal and penile hygiene are often stressed upon by health experts, but hand hygiene is also an important aspect to practice safe sex. After all, foreplay and sexual intercourse may also involve fingering. It is a pleasurable sexual act that involves your partner using fingers to stimulate your vagina. Similarly, women may fondle their partner’s sexual organs. But imagine doing this with dirty hands and…

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Ready to crush for fitness goals? We’re spilling the beans on the top cross trainers for your home gym to help you elevate your workout! What is more convenient than at-home workouts? But with the convenience of home gyms comes the need for top-notch equipment. So, let us help you to find the best cross trainer for your home gym setup and support you in your weight loss journey. Elliptical cross trainers are the unsung heroes of the fitness world. They provide a low-impact, full-body workout that burns calories and tones muscles. Plus, they can be easy on the joints.…

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Having to deal with an unhappy partner may not be easy, but it’s not impossible. Here are some tips to bring happiness into your lives. We all have moments when lose our cool. But imagine living with a partner who is perpetually in a bad mood or is unhappy about everything in life. Being surrounded by such negative energy doesn’t always have positive effects on your life and personal relationships. If you are having to deal with an unhappy partner, make sure you are protecting yourself and your peace of mind. If your partner is unhappy, your happiness can get…

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