Greasy hair is not just a summer thing, it can happen in winter too. Understand how to avoid greasy hair in winter with tips from an expert.

While thinking about the wintertime beauty woes, the first image that pops into our mind is of chapped lips and dry skin. But we’ve got to pay some attention to greasy hair in winter too! The deadly combination of cold temperature, dry air, and seasonal stress can take a toll on your hair. You may even end up contemplating “Am I over-washing my hair?” or “Am I using the right shampoo?”. In winter, however, there can be several elements that work in unison to make your scalp a breeding ground for greasy hair. Well, stop freaking out already and know how to avoid greasy hair in winter.

Why do you get greasy hair in winter?

Celebrity dermatologist Dr Apratim Goel tells Health Shots the potential causes of greasy hair in winter.

1. Dry, cold air

It might surprise you, but greasy hair in winter happens because of the season’s dry and cold air. Due to dryness in the air, our scalp tends to level up its natural sebum production to make up for the dryness. This can result in an oily scalp that gets prone to dandruff and flaking.

how to avoid greasy hair
Know how to deal with greasy hair with these tips. Image courtesy: Freepik

2. Seasonal stress

You might notice more greasiness on your hair during and after the winter holidays. The holiday season can be a stressful time for many, and that leads to higher levels of cortisol, the body’s main stress hormone. The rise of cortisol in the body leads to more sebum production, leading to oily and greasy scalp.

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3. Excess build-up

Surely, fluffy hats and warm beanies come to your rescue in the unbearable winter cold. But, are you aware that they can also cause greasy hair? Wearing headwear in winter can lead to sweating, contributing to greasy hair.

How to avoid greasy hair in winter?

Greasy hair can be a common concern, but with the right care, you can keep your locks looking fresh and healthy. Here are some tips to keep the grease in the hair at bay.

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1. Regular and frequent washing

Washing your hair regularly is essential to remove excess oil and prevent the buildup that leads to greasiness. “Opt for a mild, sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner to maintain a healthy balance without over-drying your scalp,” advises the expert.

2. Dry shampoo as a quick fix

On days when you can’t wash your hair, consider using a dry shampoo. It’s a convenient way to absorb excess oil and add volume, giving your hair a clean appearance without a full wash. However, avoid using it regularly.

3. Choose the right shampoo for dandruff

“If dandruff is contributing to the greasiness, select an anti-dandruff shampoo containing ingredients like zinc pyrithione or ketoconazole. This can help control dandruff and alleviate oily scalp issues,” she said.

4. Identify the underlying condition

While dandruff can contribute to greasy hair, other hair conditions can also trigger the problem. It’s crucial to distinguish between common dandruff and other underlying conditions like seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis. If scales persist, consult a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis and a personalised treatment plan. Knowing what you suffer from can help you tackle the problem.

how to avoid greasy hair
There could be many reasons that are causing greasy hair. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

5. Avoid excessive heat and styling products

“Excessive heat from styling tools can stimulate oil production. Minimise the use of hot tools and styling products to reduce the risk of exacerbating greasiness,” says the expert. Opt for hairstyles that don’t require excessive product application instead.

6. Prevent product buildup

Avoid the accumulation of hair care products, as excessive buildup can contribute to greasiness. Use clarifying shampoos occasionally to remove residue from styling products, conditioners, and treatments. This ensures your hair follicles remain unclogged, preventing excess oil retention and promoting a cleaner, less greasy scalp.

7. Avoid excessive scalp oiling

While applying oil to your hair can be helpful for dry scalp or dry hair, avoid excessive oiling directly onto the scalp. “Applying oil too close to the roots can exacerbate greasiness by adding an extra layer of oil on top of the natural sebum produced by the scalp”, adds Dr Goel. Focus on applying oil more towards the end of your hair to nourish the strands without overwhelming the scalp.

8. Home remedies for greasy hair

Consider incorporating natural remedies into your hair care routine. For instance, a vinegar rinse made by diluting apple cider vinegar with water can help balance the scalp’s pH, reducing excess oil. Additionally, tea tree oil, known for its antimicrobial properties, can be diluted and applied to the scalp to manage greasiness.

Keep in mind!

Remember that individual responses to hair care practices may vary, and it may take some experimentation to find the routine that works best for you. If greasiness persists or worsens, seeking guidance from a dermatologist is recommended for a more personalised approach to managing your specific scalp conditions.

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