Tadpole water: Why is this chia seeds-based ‘weight loss drink’ trending?

Tadpole water is a simple mixture of warm water with chia seeds and lemon. It is trending online, as it can apparently help with weight loss. Should you drink tadpole water for weight loss?

Social media users often claim to have found their miracle drink to lose weight. The latest one to join the list is TikTok user Mariah Padilla, who claims that drinking “tadpole water” works for weight loss. The ‘weight loss drink’ gets its name from its resemblance to the larva of frogs swimming. The teenager shared that the texture and taste of the drink are “funky”, but it helped her “drop three pounds”. She admitted that the drink made her “gag”, but says it is worth it! We asked experts if drinking tadpole water, which is a mix of chia seeds, water and lemon, can help with weight loss.

What is tadpole water?

“Tadpole water” is a colloquial term used to describe a drink made by mixing chia seeds in warm water with lemon. When chia seeds are mixed with water, they swell up and form a gel-like coating, making the water look a bit like tadpole eggs, hence the name, says senior dietician Himanshi Sharma. This drink is being consumed by a lot of netizens, especially by those who are looking to lose weight. It will probably remind people of “Rice-zempic” and “Oatzempic” weight loss trends, which used either rice or oats with water and lime juice.

Tadpole water
Tadpole water consists of chia seeds, water and lemon. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

Tadpole water for weight loss

‘Tadpole water’ has garnered attention for its potential to support weight loss, thanks to the unique properties of its ingredients.

1. Chia seeds

During a 2014 study published in the Nutricion Hospitalaria journal, it was found that consumption of chia seeds for 12 weeks helped in significant reduction in weight. Chia seeds are rich in soluble fiber, which has several benefits for weight management, says dietician Manvi Lohia. When soaked in water, chia seeds form a gel-like substance that can significantly expand in size, increasing feelings of fullness and reducing overall calorie intake. This gel formation is due to the high soluble fiber content in chia seeds, which absorbs water and slows digestion.

Also, chia seeds are a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which may help with weight loss. Omega-3 fatty acids may be beneficial to combat obesity, as per an analysis published in the Nutrients journal in 2010. Omega-3s may help reduce inflammation, improve insulin sensitivity, and support heart health, which are factors often compromised in people struggling with weight management.

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2. Lemon

Lemon extracts appear to help with weight loss, as per a research published by Cambridge University Press in 2018. The vitamin C in lemon plays a significant role in fat oxidation, helping the body burn more fat during exercise, says Sharma. The combination of lemon’s acidic nature and its pectin fiber content can help suppress appetite, making you feel full and less likely to snack between meals.

3. Warm water

Staying well hydrated may increase the breakdown of fats and help with fat loss, as per a research published in the Frontiers in Nutrition journal in 2016.
Proper hydration is key for weight loss. Drinking warm water can help keep your body hydrated, which is essential for efficient metabolism and fat burning, says Sharma. Drinking warm water can help in breaking down food more quickly, improving digestion and reducing bloating.

Tadpole water recipe

Incorporating tadpole water into your daily routine can be an effective way to support weight loss. Consuming this mixture in the morning, on an empty stomach, can help kickstart your metabolism and keep you feeling full until your next meal, says Lohia. A typical serving includes:

  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds
  • 1 glass of warm water (approximately 250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice

Allow the chia seeds to soak in the water for at least 10 minutes before drinking. This soaking process allows the seeds to fully expand, enhancing their ability to promote satiety.

Chia seed
Tadpole water may help with weight loss. Image courtesy: Freepik

What are the side effects of tadpole water?

There may be side effects of drinking tadpole water:

  • Due to the high fiber content, some people might experience bloating, gas, or constipation, especially if they are not used to consuming a lot of fiber.
  • For people with low blood pressure, chia seeds might lower it further due to their omega-3 content, leading to dizziness or fainting.
  • Chia seeds might interact with certain medications, such as those for diabetes or blood pressure, so it’s crucial to consult with a doctor before incorporating them into your routine.

Tadpole water, which is a mix of chia seed water with lemon, can be a helpful addition to a weight loss plan. But make sure to eat a balanced diet, workout regularly, stay hydrated, and limit processed foods intake.