This Quick Lower Body Barre Workout Burns So Good

Each month, a new trainer takes us through four of the best workouts they have in their back pocket. Follow along weekly for new ways to sweat it out with us. See All

In the last episode of Trainer of the Month Club, program director and founding instructor of Bande, Nicole Uribarri, took you through a sweaty, shaky upper body workout that was challenging, but over fast. Well, gird your glutes, because she’s back in this episode with a killer quick lower body barre workout that can be done with or without equipment. And thankfully it’s also short, clocking in at just 15 minutes.

Uribarri demos the workout with a bar and a resistance band. However, she says not to worry if you don’t have that equipment because you can still follow along. “For this lower body segment we’re using the loop to enhance the work…to make it a little more challenging,” she says. “But remember, if you don’t have a loop you can do this without it, you’re still gonna get a good burn.”

The unofficial theme of this quick lower body barre workout: get low. “You’re going to start to go a little lower, and find a new level of challenge,” Uribarri says. She encourages you throughout the workout to challenge yourself, but she also provides ways to scale movements up or down depending on your personal needs. “Challenging yourself” looks different for everyone, after all. “It’s a great time to close your eyes and just feel,” Uribarri says at one point, which roughly translates to; “this is gonna burn but you can get through it.” (Remember, it’s only 15 minutes!)

As an added bonus to all the lower-body strengthening,  Uribarri notes that you will feel your heart rate climbing because you’re doing deep, muscular work. Ready for it? Follow along with the video.

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