Author: priyam

Back pain in winter is a common problem faced by people across the world. Know why it happens and how to prevent back ache in cold weather. Besides a runny nose and frost bites, backache is another side effect of exposure in winter. Believe it or not, backaches due to cold weather are as common as it gets, and there are research-backed reason for why this happens. Know all about back pain in winter and how it can be prevented with small lifestyle changes. A study published in Ergonomics suggests that exposure to the cold can have an impact on…

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A traumatic childhood experience may have effects on your sexual health. Read on to know how childhood trauma affects adult sex life. Be it emotional, physical or sexual abuse as a kid or growing up in a home with violence or insecurity due to parent’s divorce, traumatic childhood experiences may have lasting effects on your well-being. It is not just mental health that may be affected. You may also notice childhood trauma affecting your adult sex life. Let us tell you how childhood trauma and your sex life are connected. What is childhood trauma? Childhood trauma is a distressing experience…

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Looking for ways to lose belly fat? Incorporate these 5 standing exercises into your daily workout routine. Sitting for extended hours in a desk job can have noticeable impacts on your lower body. Over time, it contributes to the accumulation of fat, resulting in increased belly fat. Simultaneously, it can cause stiffness in the hips and an increase in muscle cramps. To deal with it, engaging in standing workouts can be beneficial for maintaining fitness and vitality. These exercises not only aid in weight loss but also provide protection against various illnesses. Let us explore some effective standing exercises for…

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It can be good to think about the happy moments in your life and feel nostalgic sometimes. Here are some mental health benefits of nostalgia. Feeling nostalgic is often associated with positive emotions connected to a feeling of longing that helps you return to a particular period in your life. It was back in the 1600s that physician Johannes Hofer first used the term “nostalgia”. He used it in the context of homesickness, insomnia, and anxiety that were experienced by Swiss mercenaries when they were fighting away from their home. A lot has changed since then, and now thinking about…

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Fruits are a fantastic source of antioxidants and nutrients that naturally brighten your skin. Learn how to do fruit facials at home with these simple DIY tips. Fruits are an excellent source of vital nutrients that can help you stay healthy and fit. They can also improve your skin tone and overall appearance. Citrus fruits like lemon, orange, and lime, as well as fruits like papaya, avocado, banana, pomegranate, grapes, berries such as blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, kiwi, tomatoes, and mango, are all great for promoting healthy skin. Plus, if you don’t want to spend time and money on a…

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If you are a cheese lover, you may be wondering which varieties are good for you. Try out goat cheese as it has many health benefits. Cheese is one of the most nutritious dairy products that has effortlessly made its way to the most sophisticated delicacies around the world. Although the origin of cheese is unknown, it is believed that the Roman Empire was the first to use it, followed by Central Asia and the Middle East. There are additional important varieties of cheese, but the most well-known ones worldwide include mozzarella, cheddar, and parmesan. However, goat cheese has become…

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Just when the world began to believe the worst was behind us, the new Covid variant Pirola emerged as a threat. How big a concern is BA.2.86 and what you should do about it? The highly transmissible variants of Covid-19 had the world reeling for its safety. After numerous efforts, we were able to leave the danger behind. However, the microscopic villain is not ready to back out. Now, the emergence of the BA.2.86 Covid variant, nicknamed Pirola, has prompted concerns among health experts because it contains high mutations and is spreading fast. The Pirola variant is believed to exhibit…

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Besides traditional treatment, know the benefits of complementary therapy for cancer patients and how it can bring a difference! The incidence of cancer cases is increasing across the world. Technological advancement has increased treatment options for many patients. But even in the realm of holistic healthcare, the management of cancer has evolved significantly. Alongside conventional treatments, the integration of complementary therapy for cancer treatment or care has gained traction. This offers patients a more comprehensive and holistic approach to their care. As healthcare providers who are deeply committed to patient well-being, we have witnessed the transformative impact that integrating complementary…

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Vaginal boils are one of the most common vaginal issues. If not treated on time, it can turn into an infection. Find out 5 simple ways to treat vaginal boils at home. Apart from vaginal itching, vaginal infection, and vaginal herpes vaginal boil is also a very common problem of the intimate region.Vagina is one of the most delicate regions of a woman’s body. Being lazy about proper vaginal hygiene and care can result in problems such as vaginal boils. In order to deal with it, you should know more about this condition. Health Shots got in touch with Dr…

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The 30-30-30 weight loss rule is the talk of the town. Read on to know how 30-30-30 weight loss method works and how to incorporate it into your daily regime. It’s common for people to hit a weight loss plateau, which can be frustrating and cause them to give up on their weight loss plan. Also, women trying to lose weight can experience annoyance due to diet soda cravings. All of this can force you to give up, but what if there’s a way out? Instead of giving up, try the 30-30-30 rule for weight loss. Many people believe that…

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The fruits of lifelong partnership can yield rich rewards. Check out the benefits of a long-term relationship. Lasting relationships are all about maturity of commitment to facing each phase of life alongside each other. With time, the focus shifts from “yours” and “mine” to “ours”. With consistent care, affection and communication, partners reinforce the foundations on which healthy relationships are built over a lifetime. Here are some benefits of being in long-term relationship. What is a long-term relationship? Long-term relationships are those centered on mindful dedication to weathering life’s nonlinear journey together, prioritising enduring growth of the relationship above all.…

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Orange peel-off masks are a great way to rejuvenate and brighten the complexion overall. Check out these best orange peel-off masks you cannot miss! Orange is a popular winter-season fruit that offers many benefits for the skin. One of the best ways to get the benefits of this fruit is by using orange peel-off masks for the skin. Orange peels are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which help to tone and tighten the skin, thus leaving it with a radiant and healthy appearance. Additionally, they contain citric acid, which brightens and exfoliates the skin. If you want your skin…

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