Author: priyam

  Psoriasis, an auto-immune disease happens when skin cells multiply 10 times faster than normal. Learn how to deal with psoriasis in winter with these tips! Published: 6 Jan 2024, 18:00 pm IST In the chilly season, most winter woes amplify due to slow healing in those months. One of the many skin woes that can aggravate in winter is psoriasis. If summer can be painful in dealing with this skin issue due to sweat, winter months can also cause delays in healing because of the slow effect of medications and other remedies. If you are struggling to deal with…

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Heavy periods can be tough to manage, but using the best sanitary pads for heavy flow can take your tension away and bring comfort. Heavy periods can be annoying, inconvenient, and downright uncomfortable. But there’s always a way to manage it. Trust the right period products that help you say goodbye to leaks and discomfort, and say hello to hassle-free heavy flow days. Check out some of the best sanitary pads for heavy flow in India. 5 best sanitary pads for heavy flow Sanitary pads are one of the best period products for heavy menstrual flow. When it comes choosing…

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If you want to get rid of belly fat, sit-ups might not be the right exercise to do. Try these exercises to lose belly fat. Excess belly fat can attract many health problems. In fact, a 2020 study published in the US National Library of Medicine showed that excess belly fat is associated with a higher risk of early death. It was found that each 10-centimeter increase in belly fat in women raised the risk of death by 8 percent. Many think that crunches or sit-ups can help people to get toned abs, but they might be wrong. So, switch…

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Holiday loneliness can make you feel uncomfortable, especially if you stay away from your families. Here’s how to overcome it. ‘Tis might not be the season to be jolly for all of us! The holidays can be fun for many, but many people also feel holiday loneliness. If you have been feeling rather down in the dumps because you have no one to celebrate the festivities with, we got you! The holiday season, while often associated with joy and celebration, can be particularly challenging for many individuals in terms of mental health. The heightened expectations of happiness and togetherness during…

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If you are looking for ways and tips to control oily T-zone, here are the best ways to get rid of an oily T-zone! People with oily or combination skin often struggle with the T-zone on their face! In case you don’t know the precise location of your t-zone, imagine drawing a ‘T’ on your face. Your t-zone includes the forehead, nose, and chin, and it is prone to excess oil, acne, and blackheads. While the T-zone might give you a hard time, it isn’t exactly untreatable. Having said that, let’s find out how you can get rid of an…

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The paleo diet encourages people to go back to eating like our ancestors did in the Stone Age, making it the ideal throwback diet. Know what all goes into paleo diet. Paleo diet, short for paleolithic diet, is all about consuming foods believed to have been available to our ancestors during the Stone Age. The goal of the paleo diet is to replicate the foods that our hunter-gatherer ancestors consumed a long time ago. Even though it is impossible to pinpoint exactly what our predecessors consumed across the globe, it is believed whole foods made up the majority of their…

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If you are looking for exercises that can help you get rid of back and neck pain, your search ends here! Here are the best stability ball exercises you must try. Are you tired of seeking relief from the discomfort caused by back and neck pain? Thanks to the modern sedentary lifestyle, coupled with long hours in front of the screen – these problems have become extremely common. If you have been dealing with these problems, you need to incorporate some stability ball exercises in your fitness regime. These light and bouncing balls provide an extra challenge to your usual…

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