Author: priyam

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on pinterest Share on email Tacos, tlayudas, tamales—what do they all have in common? It’s corn! While incredibly versatile once cooked, corn (maize, or maíz in Spanish) in its raw form isn’t digestible by the human body due to its high levels of cellulose, a type of insoluble fiber. This is where la magia (the magic) of nixtamalization comes into play.  Nixtamalization is an ancient Mesoamerican culinary technique1 that involves cooking raw corn kernels in alkalized water, turning them into…

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Short on time but still expect fast results? BODi LAVA is your 20-minute solution. Super Trainer Elise Joan is bringing the heat and intensity in her most cutting-edge program yet. You get strength building, calorie-burning cardio, flexibility, agility, and mobility — all without heavy weights or hour-long workouts. What Is BODi LAVA? It’s a nonstop fusion of power yoga, primal movement, and bodyweight strength training that requires no equipment. Elise challenges you to the core (literally) with every low-impact, fat-scorching workout. The sweat doesn’t stop for 20 straight minutes. And neither does the burn. You’ll work out 5 days a…

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If you’re still grappling with the fact that January has nearly wrapped (where did the time go?), we hear you. This month is insanity for so many of us—from post-holiday stress to frigid temps, cold and flu season, and (SO! MUCH!) noise around nutrition. Who could imagine meal prepping breakfasts, lunches, and snacks ahead of your work week like all the magazines promised would be so simple? Professional recipe developers and food bloggers, that’s who. To that end, we caught up with a few of our go-to food writers and healthy cooking experts that shared their absolute favorite time-saving recipes…

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It’s no secret that yoga offers oh-so-many health benefits — better flexibility, increased muscle strength and definition, and a mind-body connection that can lead to less stress and more balance. But sometimes the “yogaverse” can feel a little intimidating. Donna Scro Samori wants to change this perception with her program, 5 Day Beginner Yoga. “Yoga really is for everyone. There’s a misconception about yoga that it’s only for flexible people. This is not true! Yoga incorporates both strength and flexibility, and modifications make yoga doable for most anyone.” Donna eases you into this beginner series with basic foundational poses, gentle stretches, and soothing…

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You’ve just finished a killer workout: You showed up, gave it your all, and now you’re spent. As in, you can “barely take off your sports bra” spent. Given your effort, you should be ravenously hungry … but the last thing you want is to eat. If you’re not hungry after a workout, there may be a good reason food isn’t appealing. While exercising, your body depends on stored fuel to get through each rep or mile. That fuel comes from the food you eat. Your post-workout meal replenishes your energy stores so you power through your next workout. Simply…

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Should I train front delts? is right up there with Do you even lift? as the most-asked question among gym veterans. So, do you really need front delt exercises in your lifting routine? The front deltoid — that showy strand of muscle on the front of your shoulder — is one of the more prominent areas in the upper body and activates whenever you press or push something with your upper body. So if you do any pressing movements at all— from push-ups to bench presses to dips to overhead presses — you’re already hitting your front deltoids pretty hard.…

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Skip breakfast on the reg? Routinely forget to step away from your desk for a proper lunch break? Too tired to cook dinner by the time you get home and just plop into bed without a proper meal? If any of these scenarios sound familiar, you might be doing more harm to your body—and your mind—than you realize. To see what actually happens when you routinely skip meals, we checked in with Alexandra Pereira, CDN, RDN, a clinical dietitian nutritionist and certified intuitive eating counselor at Silver Hill Hospital in New Canaan, Connecticut. What happens to your body when you’re…

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Tagged With: Aging Exercise, Sitting Exercise, Walking for Exercise Exercise is an effective way to combat the physical effects of aging and it’s never too late to start. Being a senior isn’t a reason to avoid exercise, says Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko, a professor of kinesiology at the University of Illinois. In fact, any physical activity such as walking, even if it requires the use of canes, will benefit health. It’s important to “choose an activity that you’re going to do,” whatever that is, the professor said. “It’s really less important what exactly you do than it is important to avoid sitting…

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Okay headaches, okay friends who see me order a Diet Coke, I get it: I need to drink more water! I’m not alone, either: Around 75 percent of Americans are dehydrated. And unfortunately, dehydration can lead to pretty rough (and surprising) side effects, such as muscle cramps, mood problems, allergy and asthma symptoms, decreased immunity, and more. But between graduate school, work, playing volleyball, and maintaining a social life, I may not make it the whole day without caffeine (and, let’s be real, some flavor in my beverages). Given this predicament, you can imagine my joy at the discovery of…

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If your menstrual cycle is not on track, try these yoga poses for irregular periods now. They will help manage hormonal balance and reduce other menstrual discomforts, such as cramps. There is nothing to worry about if you miss your period once in a while! However, it is not normal if it happens frequently. An irregular period is when your cycle comes early, late, or not at all, or when its length varies significantly. This can lead to various symptoms, such as intense pain or cramps, spotting between periods, weakness, or even stress. So, if you want to have regular…

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Filling your meals with nourishing foods that bring you joy can help you live a longer, more fulfilling life. Dietitians agree! Who else agrees? Chefs and culinary experts—particularly Jess Damuck, the recipe developer, food stylist, and author of Salad Freak and her sparkly new cookbook, Health Nut. Damuck’s recipes are eye candy at its sweetest, but rest assured that the 100 delicious dishes that fill the pages of Health Nut are approachable, adaptable, and endlessly comforting. One of Damuck’s favorite breakfast recipes in the book? Her orange-scented tahini toast—and after seeing its ooey-gooey layers of challah covered in coconut cream…

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Aerial yoga not only looks beautiful, but offers several health benefits. Here are some of the best aerial yoga poses for weight loss.In a quest to lose weight, you must have tried a gazillion ways but did you try aerial yoga for weight loss? This fun and beautiful yoga technique uses a silky hammock from which you suspend yourself in mid-air, taking traditional yoga poses to a new level. It is one of the most effective ways to build strength and improve flexibility, and it is also considered a useful way to help you lose weight. So, let’s explore some…

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