Author: priyam

Visceral fat is fat that is wrapped around the liver and intestines and is hidden inside the abdomen. Follow these 5 tips if you’re wondering how to reduce visceral fat. Nowadays, many people are dealing with weight issues and obesity. Fat accumulated around the waist and belly is a leading cause of several health issues, including diabetes, poor heart health and sleep issues. Hence, it is important to get rid of it. While you may be unaware, fat can also be stored around the internal organs of our body, which is known as visceral fat. Visceral fat is more dangerous…

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Conflicts are inevitable in any relationship, but if addressed wisely, they can be healthy. Learn how to communicate during conflict! Facing conflicts in any relationship is normal, but matters may take a turn for the worse when we fail to handle the situation wisely. The most important aspect is a mature communication in those heated-up moments. Sometimes, both the people involved rile up and get dragged into an unhealthy row. Such persistent fights can feel toxic and can rob away peace of mind, hampering the way you function in everyday life. However, when you learn the art of healthy communication,…

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Have you noticed dark spots on your legs? It means you probably have strawberry legs. Check out some home remedies for strawberry legs. Strawberry legs might conjure up visions of a sweet summer treat, but for many, it describes a less-than-delightful reality — tiny dark bumps and rough texture on the legs. But fear not, strawberry legs are harmless, and with a little love and care, you can achieve smoother skin. To get more in-depth information on how to get rid of strawberry legs, Health Shots got in touch with consultant dermatologist Dr Sravya C. Tipirneni. Shaving can cause strawberry…

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Did you know that the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids include promoting eye, brain, and heart health? If not, read on to learn 11 reasons why you should consume these healthy fats. Calcium is crucial for strong bones, protein supports growth and development, and carbohydrates provide energy. In addition to these essential nutrients, omega-3 fatty acids are vital for survival. Omega-3s are powerful healthy fats that play a key role in cell structure, energy, and maintaining the proper function of your heart, lungs, blood vessels, and immune system. Omega-3 is a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid that contributes to…

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A recent study has revealed that going vegetarian may have some fantastic heart health benefits. Adding more plant-based foods to your meals can have a positive impact on your heart and well-being. Let’s take a look at vegetarian diet benefits. We all want a healthy heart and overall well-being. While the Mediterranean diet is well-known for promoting heart health, a recent study suggests that going vegetarian could also be beneficial. This study looked at whether a vegetarian diet could help people with or at risk of heart problems. The results are promising, showing that a vegetarian diet can lead to…

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If you are looking for ways to increase weight of a low birth weight baby, you are at the right place. Here are 10 ultimate tips recommended by an expert. Increasing the weight of low birth weight babies is a critical concern for parents and healthcare providers alike. Low birth weight (LBW) infants, typically weighing less than 5.5 pounds (2500 grams or 2.5 kg) at birth, face increased health complications and developmental challenges. While their growth trajectory may be slower, there are several effective methods to support their healthy weight gain and overall development. How to increase weight of a…

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  Like vaginal wash, vaginal powder is also considered an intimate hygiene product. But are vaginal powders safe to use? Updated: 17 Oct 2023, 17:16 pm IST Intimate hygiene is a crucial aspect of women’s sexual and reproductive well-being. It helps prevent infections, discomfort, and other vaginal issues. However, if your vaginal health is not up to the mark, you may experience symptoms such as itchiness, redness, irregular discharge, unpleasant smell, burning sensation, change in odour and more. The intimate health products market has come up with a range of products such as vaginal wash and vaginal powders in recent…

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  Malasana or the Garland pose is one of the most relaxing and beneficial poses for your health. Here are the benefits of Malasana and how to do it properly. Yoga is a holistic practise that helps you stay calm, productive, and healthy. It allows you to create a balance between your mind and body. One yoga asana that helps you do that is Malasana or the Garland Pose. Also known as the waste evacuation pose, it is a yoga asana that requires you to sit in a squat position with your feet close together while the heels are on…

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  Taking a break can be of great help to couples. But there are some rules that need to be followed. Let us tell you the dos and don’ts of of taking a break in a relationship. You may be still in love with your partner, but there can be times when you will feel like your relationship is going nowhere. Taking a break might seem to be a good idea to find out what the future holds for both the partners. This is not a full and final break-up, but a temporary separation. It can be good for couples…

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Using the right exfoliator can help you get rid of all the impurities and dirt from your skin. Here are the best exfoliators for oily skin you must try! Dealing with oily skin can be quite troublesome as it can lead to various problems like frequent breakouts, clogged pores, excessive greasiness, acne, blackheads and whiteheads. People with oily skin are always on the lookout for the best skincare products to help them get rid of these issues. A wonder beauty product that can effectively transform your skin is called an “exfoliator”. However, despite its numerous benefits, we tend to miss…

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  Copper is necessary for your body to be healthy. You can get it by eating certain foods. Let’s find out which all foods are high in copper. Copper is an important dietary mineral, and your body needs a trace amount of it for healthy functioning of biological activities. A wide range of fruits, vegetables and meats are among copper-rich foods. This mineral boosts energy level, supports mental health and aids in the synthesis of red blood cells. Read on to find out which all foods are high in copper. What are the health benefits of copper? In the intricate…

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Food delivery apps are all about convenience and delicious food. But loving it too much is bad news for your health. Here are some ways to quit food delivery addiction. Cravings don’t see day or time, especially when food delivery is just a few taps on the phone away! Food delivery apps, which help to connect people to their nearby restaurants, have eased the process of ordering food online and promise quick delivery. While ordering food online once in a while is alright, frequently using food delivery apps can be unhealthy. Read on to find out how to quit food…

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