Author: priyam

Whether at home working from the kitchen table, or grinding away in an office cubicle, the work day is usually an inherently sedentary one. You rattle away at your keyboard for hours, complain to your S.O. in the other room or gossip with your work wife on Slack, stand, walk 12 steps to get a half-steaming cup of coffee, and then start all over. That said, this doesn’t have to be the case. With standing desks, stationary bikes, treadmills that hold your laptop in place as you step, and so many more innovations made to make the days feel just…

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Trichomoniasis is a common sexually transmitted infection. Here are some of the effective tips which can help prevent it from spreading.Have you been experiencing any itchiness, burning or unpleasant vaginal discharge after having sexual intercourse? It could be due to trichomoniasis. Also known as trich, it is a condition caused by a small parasite. It is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can be communicated via vaginal, oral, or anal sex, and even just skin-to-skin contact in the genital area. While many people may not experience any symptoms, trich can cause irritation, burning sensation, and an unpleasant discharge. There are…

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Baahubali actress Anushka Shetty says she suffers from a laughing disease called Pseudobulbar affect. Here’s everything you should know.Pseudobulbar affect, a neurological disorder that can make you laugh or cry involuntarily, has struck famous southern actor Anushka Shetty. Referred to as the “laughing disease”, it is a rare condition that affects several people around the world. The Baahubali actress, in an interview with Indiaglitz, revealed that she has a rare condition that makes her laugh for 15-20 minutes at a stretch. The 42-year-old called laughing a big problem for her as it even leads to a halt at work sometimes.“I…

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The decline bench press doesn’t get nearly enough love. And trainers say it’s about time you put it to work in your exercise routine. While the flat bench press is perfectly level to the ground and the incline bench press is at an upward slope, the decline bench press offers more of a challenge. “It positions you at a downward slope in order to target a different area of your chest—your lower pecs—than a flat or incline bench,” says Emily Hutchins, a certified personal trainer with RSP Nutrition. Since you’re working against gravity and pushing the weight up from a…

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Kundru, also known as ivy gourd, is full of nutrients, including vitamins A and C, making it beneficial for health. Let us tell you the health benefits of kundru or ivy gourd.Kundru or ivy gourd is a plant commonly found in India and other parts of Asia. Scientifically known as coccinia grandis, ivy gourd is part of the Cucurbitaceae family. Its leaves are heart-shaped, and bright green in colour. The fruit is oval-shaped, and is about the size of a small cucumber. Ivy gourd, a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as fiber, is known for its…

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Rain brings respite from the scorching heat, but it may hamper your hair and skin! Know some home remedies for itchy scalp during monsoon..One of our fondest memories of our childhood may have to do with letting ourselves loose and dancing in the downpour. The smell of wet soil and the rain droplets falling on our hair and skin felt like natural therapy, didn’t it? But while growing up, we become more aware of the havoc rain water can have on our health. We dread the aftermath of our hair the most as we may end up with an itchy…

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While working with a trainer is always a great way to improve your skills, it’s also very much possible to get a sweat-inducing boxing workout at home. You just need the right equipment. Whether you’re bobbing and weaving as a beginner or at an advanced level, Michelle Sim, boxing coach and creator of Move With Mich, says there are some essentials that will make you feel like a pro without ever leaving your living room. “There’s nothing like the soreness you feel from hitting actual bags,” says Sim. “During bag work, you get to feel the impact of actually landing a…

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Consuming chia seeds and curd together can have many health benefits. Here is a complete guide on how to consume chia seeds with curd.Chia seeds are tiny powerhouses loaded with nutrients that can improve your health. These are high in fiber, and therefore, good for satiety and digestion. They also have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for your heart. Add chia seeds to curd, and you will get antioxidants that can protect your cells and may help with weight loss! Curd and chia seeds happen to be a healthy combination and give the basic curd a…

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Each month, a new trainer takes us through four of the best workouts they have in their back pocket. Follow along weekly for new ways to sweat it out with us. See All Just the combination of words “core barre workout” is enough to send most people’s muscles a-quivering. But don’t worry, because in this episode of Trainer of the Month Club, Kelsey Lindell, a personal trainer and disability advocate, is here to walk you through a core barre workout that she says is “great for all levels and all accessibilities.” “In case you haven’t noticed, I am missing half of…

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This content originally appeared on Everyday Health. Republished with permission.By Becky Upham Key Takeaways Garlic has been used medicinally for thousands of years and has known anti-inflammatory benefits. A large review of nearly 30 studies showed eating garlic daily or taking a garlic supplement led to improvements in blood sugar and cholesterol levels. To see benefits similar to the review, you’d need to eat the equivalent of one or two fresh cloves per day. Love garlic? Here’s a good reason to get more of it into your diet: Eating garlic may help improve cholesterol and blood sugar levels, according to a large new meta-analysis,…

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The value of stretching has likely been drilled into your brain over the years, but that knowledge doesn’t make it any less tempting to skip your post-workout cooldown moves or morning mobility flow. With so many work, social, and familial commitments, who has the time for a 15-plus-minute stretch routine, anyway? Your solution: Full-body stretches, moves that target multiple muscle groups at one time and, in turn, save the day when your schedule’s fully booked. In This Article 01 Importance of Stretching 02 Best Stretches Why full-body stretches are important To get scientific, stretching occurs when your brain and body…

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Some black coloured foods are nutrient dense foods that can be a good addition to your weight loss diet. Here’s how black foods can help you lose weight.In the quest for weight loss, eating the right foods is important. Black foods, which are high in vitamins and minerals, can help you lose weight effectively. These dark-coloured powerhouses can help you feel fuller for longer, curb cravings, and even boost your metabolism. If you are thinking about which black foods are good for weight loss, fret not! Here’s a list of some of the best black superfoods for weight loss that…

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